DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.

Flight YDNA

The Flight surname Y-DNA Project
  • 4 members

About us

The surname Flight can found in small numbers around many parts of the globe today. There are a small number of Flights just north of Boston, Massachusetts, most of whom originate from the Small Point (Broad Cove) area of Conception Bay in Newfoundland where there are many Flight families. Flights can also be found in small numbers in England as well as in Australia and New Zealand.

The book 'Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland' by E.R. Seary includes the following about the surname Flight.

FLIGHT, a surname of England, ? an archer who used the longbow. (E.C. Smith)

        In Newfoundland:

        Family tradition:-------, from "somewhere around Plymouth," settled at Small Point (Conception B.) in the late 18th century (MUN Folklore).

Another book, 'British Family Names: Their Origin and Meaning, With Lists of Scandinavian, Frisian, Anglo-Saxon, and Norman Names' by Henry Barber, M.D. (Clerk) suggests the origins of the British surname Flight is Dutch, the surname 'Vliet' which is a place name. The word 'vliet' in Dutch means a small stream or canal.