
DNA Project
  • 177 members

About us

Welcome to the Fanning DNA Project! Our goal is to use both Y-DNA (from father to son) and at-DNA (50% from mom, 50% from dad), coupled with traditional genealogical research, to learn more about our ancestors. There are three requirements to joining intended to make the project collaborative and productive:
  1. Fanning variant surname (or provide your Fanning line).
  2. FTDNA kit number with relevant DNA test.
    • Fanning variant surnames can have either Y-DNA or at-DNA test to join.
    • Non-Fanning variant surnames must have either an at-DNA test or a Y-DNA test showing clear matches to Fanning (suggesting a non-paternity event).
  3. At least "Limited" access to the admin team.
    • This setting is found in your FTDNA kit's "Account Settings" under the "Project Preferences" tab.
    • Anonymous information on members will be posted to the public results page to make the project collaborative and productive. This page will not include identifiable information like email addresses or living persons without permission from the kit owner. The page will include the kit number, Fanning pedigree (excluding living persons), and relevant DNA analysis.
Please see the FTDNA resources section for information on their three basic tests. Transfers from other DNA testing companies are welcome. DNA projects are a collaborative effort, so we also ask each member to submit their Fanning pedigree (living persons are kept private). You can find our current Y-DNA data in the DNA Results section off our main page. Analysis of these results can be found in the Results tab of the About section, along with pedigrees.