
  • 400 members

About us

To learn more about the project and to see detailed, up-to-date results, please go to our main website at: http://www.ewingfamilyassociation.org/DNA_Project/index_Y-DNA.html
and to get a sneak preview of a big revision that is "in the mail," go to http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/431003/Results_Intro.pdf.

We're getting a lot of inquiries about which Y-DNA test to order. To participate in this project, you will need a Y-DNA test--12, 25, 37 or 67 markers. These tests give progressively more information, but they are also progressively more expensive. Which of these or other tests will be most useful depends on how you are related to the other Ewings in the project. We have found that about two thirds of our participants are genetically quite similar and are probably all descended from a common ancestor within a genealogical time frame. 37-marker results are adequate to identify whether a man belongs to this closely related group, and so far the additional 30 markers in the 67-marker test have not given much useful additional information for this group, but perhaps this is because only a few of us have had the 67-markers tested.

SNP testing for haplogroup is also not necessary for members of the closely related group, but we are finding the relatively economical advanced test for DYF399X to be promising for teasing out branches of this group, which includes Ewing Groups 1, 3, 4, 5 & 7 (new Groups 1 & 2). On the other hand, though DYF399X is unlikely to be helpful for men who are not in the closely related group, the 67-marker test and deep clade SNP testing might provide useful additional information for some of these men (ie, those in Ewing Groups 2, 6, 8 & 9--new Groups 3, 4 & 5). Reports on DYF399X, 67-marker and SNP Results are posted on our main website, and can be found under "Result Reports" in the Results Directory, which can be reached from the link at the top of the home page.

For most project participants, we recommend starting with the 37-marker test at $149. The less expensive 12-marker test can rule out a relationship with the Ewings we have tested, but to establish a relationship or to get interesting sub-branch information, you will need at least 37-marker data. We recommend that participants start with the 37-marker test and then discuss with the group administrator what upgrades are most likely to provide more information. Please feel free to email the project group administrator with questions about this: davidewing93@gmail.com.