
  • 113 members

About us

*********TO JOIN the CLAN DONNACHAIDH/DUNCAN SURNAME PROJECT GO TO THE DONNACHAIDH DNA PROJECT LISTING.**************************** We use this DUNCAN site as a feeder site into the main Donnachaidh DNA Project which includes DUNCAN.******************* Duncan is one of the main surnames of Clan Donnachaidh. Clan Donnachaidh means 'Children of Duncan'. Donnachaidh is Gaelic for what we call Duncan today. The Clan Donnachaidh DNA Surname Project is open to all surnames of the Clan. *******ALL DATA ANALYSIS AND MATCHING IS DONE FROM THE MAIN DONNACHAIDH DNA PROJECT AND NOT THIS SITE********* All participants will be included in the ongoing studies and by joining the project; you are giving consent for your information to be anonymously included in ongoing genetic genealogy research. Your personal identity will not be revealed, but your results will be used to better understand the surnames of Clan Donnachaidh as a people and the history of our ancestors. PLEASE NOTE: The Donnachaidh DNA Project volunteer administrators have no commercial affiliation with any profit making organization and receive no compensation for services or expenses involved with the Donnachaidh Y-DNA project.