
  • 1368 members

About us

8th December 2018 The project now has 1000 members.

15th January 2018 The project now has 891 members. We are seeing a significant increase in members with autosomal DNA results.

13th February 2015 The Devon DNA Project now has 400 members.

11th November 2011 The first ever haplogroup J1b in the British Isles is discovered in the Devon DNA Project in kit no. 211891 with the surname LEY from Braunton.

5th March 2011 The Devon DNA project now has 150 members.

30th March 2010 The Devon DNA project now has 100 members.

30th July 2009 A new private mailing list has been established on Yahoo for members of the Devon DNA Project and their representatives. Members can post messages, upload files and post links. List members can visit the private group website here. Membership is by invitation only. Please contact the group administrator of the Devon DNA Project for an invitation.

30th June 2009 The Devon DNA project now has 50 members.

17th March 2009 The Devon DNA project is established. It is the first geographical project in England devoted to a single county.

Sponsored tests

Free or partially funded DNA tests are available in certain circumstances for specific surnames. The tests are usually sponsored by the relevant surname projects. The test will therefore have to be ordered through the surname project. Once you have your results through you can then join the Devon DNA project free of charge to compare your results with other people of Devon ancestry. A list of currently available sponsorship offers is given below.

Brooks A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is on offer for any male with documented Devon ancestry with the surname BROOKS, BROOKES, BROOK or BROOKE. Contact the BROOKS DNA Project for further information. 

Boone A free Y-DNA test is available for any BOONE with proven Devon ancestry. For further details contact the administrator of the Devon DNA Project.

Daw or Dawe Any DAW or DAWE with documented links to the south west Devon farming areas in particular may be eligible for a subsidy to get up to 67 markers tested should they belong to a line without a confirmed DNA signature. Contact the DAWE DNA Project for further details.

Graves The GRAVES DNA Project is offering a free Y-DNA test for any male in the UK with the surname GRAVES, GREAVES, GRIEVE or other variant provided that he submits information about his ancestry and is not too closely related to someone who has already tested.

Ham The HAM DNA Project will partially fund a test for a HAM living in the UK with proven ancestry from Devon.

Land The LAND DNA Project will provide 50% of the costs of a Y-DNA test for any LAND from Devon living in the UK who can provide a suitable pedigree.

Mugford Free Y-DNA tests are available for men with the surname MUGFORD. For further information contact the group administrator of the The MUGFORD DNA Project.

Northway. A free 37-marker Y-DNA test is on offer for any UK male with documented ancestry from Devon. Please contact the Devon DNA group administrator for further information.

Pittman The Pittman DNA Project will pay for a 37-marker Y-DNA test for any male with the surnames Pittman or Pitman from the UK whose paper trail goes back to at least 1800. They are looking in particular for candidates from the West Country.

Pike The PIKE DNA Project has a sponsorship fund from which people with known UK roots who don't appear to connect to those already represented in their project can receive sponsorships. Full details are on the project website, but when funds permit they will provide up to $75 of support.

Pitts The PITTS DNA Project is offering a free 12-marker Y-DNA test to male PITTS living in the UK who can provide a suitable pedigree.

Rowe Any ROWE with documented links to the south west Devon farming areas in particular may be eligible for a subsidy to get up to 67 markers tested should they belong to a line without a confirmed DNA signature. Contact the ROWE DNA Project for further details.

Southwood/Southard The SOUTHWOOD/SOUTHARD DNA Project will sponsor at least one testee from Devon with the surname SOUTHARD or SOUTHWOOD whose traditional genealogy includes both names and extends back to the 1600s.

Willing A free Y-DNA test is available to any male with the name WILLING, WILLINGS or WILLIN, provided he supplies enough information about his ancestry for his results to be useful to the project. For further information contact the administrator of the WILLING DNA Project.

Miscellaneous Lorna Henderson in New Zealand would be very pleased to hear from any CREBER, BARTER, KING, METTERS or MATTERS, PEEK/PIKE or ALGAR representatives who can trace their ancestry back to any of the families listed on her website. A subsidy to take an ordered test up to 67 markers would be available if a DNA signature for the line has not yet been confirmed.