
Chavis & Chavers Surname Project
  • 292 members

About us

The Chavis project has been established to identify and connect the various Chavis and those with similar surnames.  Many of these individuals have a history of Native American and/or African American ancestry and early family members are found in Virginia, and North and South Carolina.  Many Chavis originated from FPOC or were never slaves but Free People of Color.  FPOC account for a minority of Africans and made up only about 10% of Africans since over 80% were enslaved forced immigrants.  Therefore, finding origins can be very challenging for most Chavis, combined with a variety of DNA admixtures that often do not show any native DNA.

Very few, if any, e-mails will be sent through the project.  To keep current with genetic genealogy information, please subscribe to the blog, by clicking on the small grey "follow" button on the right side of the page.  Not everyone appreciates e-mails from project administrators, and taking a blog approach allows people who are interested to subscribe without bothering those who aren't.  so, please, subscribe to keep current.

Those interested in Native Ancestry may also want to follow the blog as well.