About us
Updates on the Campbell DNA Project are published on the "Background" section of this web site.
Campbells everywhere are encouraged to join the Clan Campbell Society of North America (CCSNA). Information, articles, and links to genealogical data bases can be found on the on "CCSNA Web site (www.ccsna.org)."
The following is an example of a full issue the Journal of the Clan Campbell. These 50+ page quarterly journals are unique in the Clan community for the breadth and depth of their coverage of Campbell and Scottish history, genealogy, and current events. The journals alone are worth the small price of membership and the annual CCSNA membership fee barely covers the cost of their production. I can not emphasize strongly enough that Campbells everywhere are strongly encouraged to join this society which is the central Clan organization for Campbells and their septs world-wide. "Full Issue of the CCSNA Journal of the Clan Campbell Society, Vol.41 No. 3, Summer 2014."
A summary of CCSNA and our Clan's Bond of Kinship is stated in the following document Bond.
For help with Campbell Genealogy, please contact the CCSNA Genealogist at the following address: Jules Anderson, 606 Ocracoke Drive, Wilmington, NC 28412-3001
Campbells everywhere are encouraged to join the Clan Campbell Society of North America (CCSNA). Information, articles, and links to genealogical data bases can be found on the on "CCSNA Web site (www.ccsna.org)."
The following is an example of a full issue the Journal of the Clan Campbell. These 50+ page quarterly journals are unique in the Clan community for the breadth and depth of their coverage of Campbell and Scottish history, genealogy, and current events. The journals alone are worth the small price of membership and the annual CCSNA membership fee barely covers the cost of their production. I can not emphasize strongly enough that Campbells everywhere are strongly encouraged to join this society which is the central Clan organization for Campbells and their septs world-wide. "Full Issue of the CCSNA Journal of the Clan Campbell Society, Vol.41 No. 3, Summer 2014."
A summary of CCSNA and our Clan's Bond of Kinship is stated in the following document Bond.
For help with Campbell Genealogy, please contact the CCSNA Genealogist at the following address: Jules Anderson, 606 Ocracoke Drive, Wilmington, NC 28412-3001