
  • 194 members

About us

This Boucher surname project, including its many spelling variants (i.e. Boutcher, Butcher, Bouche, Bushey, etc.) was conceived because of an inablilty to find proof of whether there was a connection between a group of Bouchers and Butchers whose ancestors were living in Virginia, USA, in the mid-1700s and had migrated there from Pennsylvania and another group whose ancestors were living in western Virginia in the late 1700s.

The project welcomes all Bouchers and those with similar surnames, from anywhere around the globe, who want to learn more about their early ancestry through DNA, whether it is through Y-DNA, mtDNA or autosomal DNA (Family Finder).

The visitor counter below was installed on June 17, 2009 and set at zero.

Dec 2009 = 299 = 50 visits per month; Dec 2010 = 720 = 35 visits per month; Dec 2011 = 1364 = 53 visits per month

Jan 31, 2012 = 1456 total count = 92 visits in Jan; Feb 29 = 1521 total count = 65 visits in Feb; Mar 31 = 1559 total count = 38 visits in Mar. April = 1594 = 35 visits in April. May 31 = 1638 = 44 visits during May; June 30 = 1683 = 45 visits during June; July 31 = 1730 = 47 visits during July; Aug 31 = 1766 = 36 visits during August; Sept 30 = 1800 = 34 visits during Sept. Oct = 1841 = 41 visits during Oct. Nov=1875 = 34 visits during Nov. Dec 31 = 1915 = 40 visits during Dec; Jan 31 = 1951 = 36 visits during Jan; Feb 28, 2013 = 2005 = 59 visits during Feb; Mar = 45 visits; April 30 = 2124 = 74 visits. May 31 = 2242 =118 visits. July 31 = 2,457 = 107 visits during July; Aug 31 = 2533 = 76 visits during Aug; Sept 30 = 2569 = 36 visits during Sept; Oct 31 = 2605 = 36 visits during Oct; Nov 30 = 2658 = 53 visits during Nov; Dec 31 = 2706; = 48 visits during Dec 2013; Jan 31, 2014 = 2753 = 47 visits during Jan; Feb 28 = 2793 = 40 visits during Feb; Mar 31 = 2827 = 34 visits during March; April 30 = 2907 = 80 visits duiring April; May 31 = 2929 = 22 daily visits during May; June 30 = 2956; ave daily visits for June = 27; July 31 = 2997; 68 visits for July; Aug 31 = 3055; visits for Aug = 58; Sept 30 = 3110, visits for Sept = 55; Oct = 3250; visits for Oct = 140; Nov 30 = 3318; visits for Nov = 68; Dec 31 = 3354; visits for Dec = 36.