Blagg Surname Project

  • 7 members

About us

The Blagg DNA Project is a Y-chromosome study open to all males with the surname of Blagg and its various spellings (Blague, Blage, Blagge). In some instances, in both Wiltshire, England and in early New England, Blagg was sometimes pronounced and spelled Blake; however, thus far no genetic connection has been discovered with the Blake surname. Males with the Blake surname and a genetic connection with a male Blagg may also join. The project has two goals: 1) To discover genetic connections between the various existing Blagg lines. Funding is available for Y-DNA test kits for Blaggs with direct English ancestry. 2) To collect enough Y-DNA data from various Blagg lines worldwide so that researchers can determine or verify their line. Y-chromosome testing of American Blaggs has thus far identified three distinct paternal lines. One English Blagg line has been identified with a fourth distinct paternal line.