Beeson Surname Project

Spelling variations: Beason, Beeston, Beaston, etc.
  • 50 members

About us

Stated goals of Beeson/Beason Surname Project

(1a) determine if all Beesons/Beasons in the US today descend from Edward Beeson (abt. 1652, Thrussington, England; or abt. 1650, Lancaster, England) and (1b) to conclusively determine his place and time of birth and parentage;

(2) determine Beeson/Beason-Norton genealogical connection (I have formulated a hypothesis, but lack the necessary data to test this hypothesis) (deep SNP testing is encouraged);

(3) attempt to prove or disprove genealogies that extend beyond Thomas Beeson (abt. 1634, Thrussington, England; or abt. 1630, Lancaster, England); 

(4) attempt to prove or disprove a genealogical connection to the Beestons of Cheshire;

(5) attempt to determine paternal migration into England and prior migrations; and

(6) compile documents, pictures, and any other relevant information related to all members and allied families of the Beeson/Beason surname.

Stated goals are subject to change. Suggestions are welcome.

As of 23 May 2018