
  • 12 members

About us

Welcome to the BANKHEAD Genetic Genealogy Project

If you want to join this project, click HERE, or on the "JOIN REQUEST" link in the dark blue bar at the top of this web page (after you log into your FtDNA account if you have one). FTDNA now allows you to join as many projects as you please.

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* To see if your test results were recently assigned to a subgroup, "RELOAD" or "REFRESH" (F5) the web page.
* To avoid confusion, please click on "ABOUT THIS GROUP" in the bar at the top of this web page and read about this project's RESULTS, GOALS and RESULTS.

"The accessibility and affordability of family DNA testing is doubtless the greatest technical advance in the history of genealogical research because -- at long, long last -- we have a tool to break down those brick walls!"

You may order a DNA sample collection kit online or by telephoning Family Tree DNA at (713) 868-1438, 9A-7PM EST, 8A-5PM CST, M-F. Your test results may be available within two months after you submit your sample.


1) Email an administrator of this project if you want more details about how to order and use your DNA sample collection kit. If you do not join this or another surname project before ordering you may be charged FTDNA's regular prices at

2) Upgrade to the Y-DNA67 or Y-DNA111 level. A comparison of our Y-DNA67 test results may help us identify to which branch of our family someone belongs even if he does not know the names of his biological parents. Some members of our genetic family may have other surnames.

3) Encourage members of other families to have their DNA tested too. The more people have their DNA tested, the easier it will be for us to find our kinfolk and the better DNA-testing companies can serve us. "A rising tide lifts all boats".

4) Log in to your FTDNA personal web page and select the Contribute to the Surname Project General Fund link if you want to encourage a distant cousin or someone with your surname who lives in the village from which your ancestors emigrated to have his DNA tested. FTDNA will collect your contribution and use it according to your wishes, e.g., to pay for all or part of the kit of the person you want to help.

This Bankhead Family Genetic Genealogy Project began 2011/Mar/29.