
  • 62 members

About us

*I-M223 Bay/Bays
So far almost every project member grouped under I2a1b1 (previously I2a2a1 and I2b1a) are descendents of a single common paternal anscestor, Captain Thomas Bay born 1741 on Cedar Creek Fredrick County Virginia Colony; United States. Captain Thomas Bay's genealogy has been traced back 4 generations before him to John Bay born circa 1619. At age 16, John Bay sailed out of the Gravesend Port (Kent, England) Aug. 10th 1635. He arrived in Norfolk Virginia later that fall. From John Bay descends a large family tree that spread across the United States.

The Discovery
The Historical background for this project Virginia:
Year 1607: On April 16th The Discovery sailed into the Chesapeake
Bay and landed at Cape Henry.
May 13th a decision was made to settle and Island in Paspahegh
territory known as "Jamestown".
The Ruler of Tsenacomaco known as Powhatan and his daughter
Pocahontas feed and clothe the English settlers in and effort
to befriend them.
The begining of the Colonization of the New World.