
Azerbaijan DNA Project
  • 953 members

About us


Haplogroup: N-BY188932 (Yfull: N-Y136502), source: test of paternal relative (#362815; #YF110606)
Known as: father of Azerbaijani historiography, journalist, linguist, poet, philosopher; son of the last khan of Baku

Person: Həzi Aslanov
Haplogroup: J-FGC56179 (Yfull: J-Y131150), source: test of paternal relative (#IN18877)
Known as: major-general of the Soviet armoured troops during World War II; twice awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union title

Haplogroup: J-FTA78844 (Yfull: J-Y271395), source: test of paternal relative (#417860; #YF086754)
Known as: dynasty of the Qoyunlu clan of the Qajar tribe, ruled  in Iran during 1789–1925

Haplogroup: J-FT115208 (Yfull: J-Y201241), source: test of paternal relative (#MI68142; #YF109433)
Known as: the last khan of the Nakhichevan khanate (reign 1808-1827)

Haplogroup: J-BY72016 (predict.) (Yfull: J-BY72016), source: test of paternal relative (#921088)
Known as: the dynasty of the Javanshir tribe, ruled  in Karabakh Khanate during 1748–1822

Person: Yevda Abramov
Haplogroup: J-FT263339 (Yfull: J-FT263339), source: personal test (#IN47205)
Known as: member of the National Assembly, Deputy chairman of Committee on Human Rights; confirmed paternal Kohen ancestry

Person: Javad Soltani
Haplogroup: J-FGC30416 (Yfull: J-FGC30416), source: personal test (#612183; #YF066186)
Known as: project member with confirmed paternal Sayyid ancestry

Haplogroup: E-FT65112 (Yfull: E-Y175878), source: son's test (#N143196; #YF121771)
Known as: President of the National Academy of Sciences (1983-1997)

Person: Bülbülcan
Haplogroup: O-Y9032 (predict.) (Yfull: O-Y9032), source: test of paternal relative (#IN29201)
Known as: singer of folk music and mugham 

Haplogroup: R-YP451 (predict.) (Yfull: R-YP451), source: test of paternal relative (#453857)
Known as: military leader, revolutionary, and commander of a partisan detachment

Haplogroup: J-FGC30649 (Yfull: J-FGC30640), source: test of paternal relative (#697339)
Known as: the first khan of the Talysh Khanate (1747-1786)

Haplogroup: I-FTB90168 (Yfull: I-Y316163), source: test of paternal descendant (#IN76048; #YF097939)
Known as: the ruling dynasty of the Shaki Khanate

Haplogroup: J-Y93016 (Yfull: J-Y93016), source: test of paternal descendant (#858559)
Known as: specialist in Udi language and Caucasian Albanian inscriptions

Haplogroup: J-Y107404 (predict.) (Yfull: J-Y107404), source: test of paternal relative (#723966)
Known as: Warrant Officer and National Hero of Azerbaijan