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  • 12 members

About us

Welcome to the Aumack Family DNA Genealogy Project


The goal of the Aumack YDNA Surname Project is find genetic matches to you or your family members in order to advance your family tree research.  YDNA testing will verify if an individual shares a surname or a paternal line.

Why choose this test?

Choose this test if you wish to search the paternal surname line (father’s father’s father’s line).  (In this case for surnames Aumack, Amak, Aumick, Aumock, Omick)

Choose this test if you are searching for direct paternal connections between men with different surnames – examples: adoption, name changes, illegitimacy,


Choose this test if searching for clues to paternal geographic or deep ancestry

Who to test?

A male carrying the paternal surname. Women can ask a male relative carrying the paternal surname to take the Y‐DNA test.

How many markers?

Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) offers YDNA 12, 25, 37, 67 and 111‐marker tests.  Males are advised to test at either Y-DNA37 or Y-DNA67.

How to Join the Project

Click on the "Join Request" tab along the top menu of this page.


The goal of this project is to aid all Aumack family historians in ancestral research by establishing the probability of recent common paternal line descent between the various Aumack paternal lineages around the world today. Since surnames were often spelled phonetically in the past, the project includes all phonetic variations and ancestral names connected to Aumack. Each participant's YDNA test results will be compared with other project members YDNA markers and, when available, also with established paternal line histories to establish the probability of a recent common paternal line ancestor.

The Aumack paternal line has ancestral connections to the Netherlands and Denmark.  Surname variants are Amak, Aumick, Aumock, Omick and others.

Only males can be tested for Y chromosome DNA. The 37-marker Y-DNA test is recommended for highest fidelity results. A more limited test using fewer markers can be used to establish the probability of relatedness and expanded later if desired. 67 markers are recommended for close matches at the 37 marker level. Ancient ancestral identity can be studied using YDNA SNP tests.

Maternal Line ancestral connections and recent common ancestry can be identified using mitochondria DNA, mtDNA, which is passed solely from a mother to her sons and daughters. Both men and women can be tested for their maternal line mtDNA.

Information about the use of DNA in genealogy is available on the Family Tree DNA home page. Recommended books for understanding DNA are: Colleen Fitzpatrick & Andrew Yeiser, DNA & Genealogy Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak and Ann Turner, Trace Your Roots with DNA.

Genetic Genealogy (DNA for genealogy) is another tool to complement the traditional paper trail research.  DNA will provide clues to advance your family tree research but it won’t reveal your entire family tree.

If you have further questions please contact the project administrator, Joan Miller at aumackdna [at]  It is important to note that the FTDNA Surname Group Administrator is not a FTDNA employee. Project Administrators do not receive any form of financial payment or any other incentive or reimbursement. The administrator is a member of the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (