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Allday Y-DNA

Allday/Alday Surname Y-DNA Worldwide Project
  • 47 members

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Check out the new website at  We have found some interesting historical Alldays / Aldays of the past and Y-DNA could connect to some of these people.

One clan of Allday's from Lincolnshire, UK and Birmingham, UK tested and does not match the southeastern Clan of the Alldays.  This does not rule out that there could be 2nd Allday clan in the UK that connects.  Neither does it rule out the two lines possibly converging (on paper) from the same Allday family in England many years ago where an adoption or other non-paternal event occurred.  However, the test did prove that the Liverpool Audley/Allday's connect to the Birmingham, Allday UK Clan.  It also proves the English Allday family and English Audley family have the same paternal origins.

Another English Allday with history back 500 to 600 years to London England took the Y-111 test and proves that the American Allday / Alday family possibly originated in or around Buckinghamshire, England back around 550 years ago.  This is extraordinary and worthy of a documentary on Y-DNA.  Two unbroken Allday lines going back around 550 years is simply amazing.  There is also a rich history of the early Colonial American Allday clan at the Historic St John's Church (Henrico Parish) in Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia.

Before the 550 year old English connection, and John Allday who immigrated from London to Virginia in the 1600s, the Allday Y-DNA project has also proven the American Allday / Alday line as solid back to Josiah (b. 1740 Virginia) Allday.  Y-DNA has proven two sons of Josiah and we are working on proving others as new Alldays take the test.  The Y-DNA test has also proven four of James Madison "Jim" Allday's male lines.

There are European Oakley/Carter/Allday connections which likely predate the migration of the Allday Clan to early colonial Virginia.  There was a non-paternal event that occurred around 750 years ago in England (most likely).  The Carter and Oakley non-paternal event occurred in possibly the same generation or no more than one or two generations apart.  Because of this, numerous Carters and Oakleys hit the Allday Y-DNA line, and they do not match the majority of other Oakley's or Carters.  All of the Carter's descend from Captain Nathaniel Carter.  All of the Oakleys descend from Solomon Oakley of New York.

One Allday and Audley match is simply an error spelling in record keeping since phonetically Allday and Audley sound similar.  It has been discovered that Allday came first and the name was later spelled Audley which stuck to this day.  In other words, the Audley male (and others on that one Audley branch) came from Alldays in the 1800s.