
  • 14 members

About us

Welcome to the Alderete Surname Project. All are welcome, whether you are an Alderete, or not. Whether you are Hispanic, or not.

Our goal is to share everything we know about the genetic, historical and genealogical background of the Alderete family name.

We hope to trace back Alderete to our very first ancestor who probably roamed the mountains of Iberia.

Today there are Alderetes on all six inhabited continents.
Not all of them are Hispanic. Many people take Spanish surnames for a variety of reasons.

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura took his very Spanish sounding first name and surname as a stage name, but he is actually 100% Polish!

Filipinos and Native Americans are just two examples of non-Hispanic people with Spanish surnames, including Alderete.

Perhaps, the most famous (or infamous!) Alderete who ever lived was Julian Alderete who accompanied Hernan Cortez in the conquest of New Spain.

Your contributions, questions and input are most welcome in English and Spanish. I am fluent in both languages.

There are Portuguese-speaking Alderetes as well, and I will do my best to accommodate them. I have my English-Portuguese dictionary ready!

Check my other Project dedicated to the descdants of Emperor Montezuma II of Mexico/Emperador Moctezuma II Soberano del Imperio Mexicano.