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About us

The MacLeod surname project is open to males with the surname MacLeod in any of its various spellings. A Y-DNA test is required for participation. The project was originally sponsored by the Associated Clan MacLeod Societies [ACMS]. An initial Genetics Study with two aims, one seeking surname linkages and the other Viking DNA evidence, was completed by University College London [UCL] in 2004. The surname MacLeod has multiple variations and spellings and only the main ones have been included in this listing, although others are eligible to participate. There are two ancient branches of Clan MacLeod, the MacLeods of Harris and Dunvegan and the MacLeods of Lewis and Raasay. Each of these branches has many Sept names associated, these names also with multiple variations and spellings. The UCL study included only the surname, MacLeod, with its variant spellings. Under the FTDNA continuation of our Study, Sept names are encouraged to participate and may find their Group Project under the MACLEOD SEPTS project listing.