Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


  • 12 members

About us

This is a FamilyFinder project for male and female descendants of individuals with the Abromitis/Abromaitis/Abromajtis surname from Lithuania. There isn’t a summary page for the Family Finder test results on the project website like there is for the Y-DNA and MtDNA results. To compare your Family Finder results with others in the Abromaitis/Abromitis project, click once on the myFTDNA icon in the upper left hand corner.  Select Tools & Apps, then click on Advanced matching.  Check the relevant boxes for Y-DNA, MtDNA, and/or Family Finder and use the pull down menu under Show Matches For and select the Abromaitis/Abromitis project.  Click Run Report and the names and kit numbers of your matches in the selected project will appear.  The Family Finder Matches will also show the relationship such as 4th – remote cousin.