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Updated 9 September 2013

Group1 RIDDELL of RIDDELL Connections

In spite of the differing surnames, the test results (to date) of the men placed in this group (Haplogroup L257+) indicate all (at varying times in their paternal lines) have the Y-DNA from the ancient House of RIDDELL of Roxburgh.

The 464x test (those who have taken it has resulted in cgcg.
There are three known descendants of this family within this group. 

Available family trees are at 

Group 2a - America - Maryland to Virginia & Texas

This second family group have the I2b1 Haplogroup - but currently it is unknown as to whether they arrived in America from Scotland, England or Ireland.  Nevertheless, it is known that members of this family have been in America since at least the 1680s and likely much earlier - Prince George's County, Maryland at that time. 

Available family trees are at 

Group 2b - From Lanark (Scotland) and Tyrone (Ireland)
This third family group has surnames in it that reads like a "who's who?" of lowland Scotland.  The outcome of the testing has been as big a surprise to them as to others. Rigorous searching has located that an ancestor (of the Riddles and Riddells in this group) resided in the Hamilton Parish of Lanarkshire, Scotland in 1585.  Speculation suggests it is possible that with Ireland being so close, that the SCOTT name was bestowed upon those who travelled there from Lanark, initially as a nickname which then took hold and became their surname. They have the Haplogroup of L21+ and their 464x test (those who have taken it) has resulted in cccg.  

Available family trees are at  

Group 2c and Group 2g

The men in these two groups whilst initially believing they were all descended from the same man prior to the revolution, have since discovered this is not so.  Their DNA stated this impossibility at the outset which required further investigation of their genealogy.

Group 2d From Aberdeen (Scotland) to America and Australia

Group 2d men appear to have emigrated from Aberdeen (Scotland) but more work needs to be done on this separate family group of Riddles and Riddells. 

The remaining groups of men in the project are separate from the above groups - more work is needed to identify their possible geographic origins.

Updated 22 April 2012

At all times, feel free to contact your admins of this project.



I hope you find the following information interesting.

Most (but not all) of the men in this project are Haplogroup R1b1.  (This includes Groups 1, 2b, 2c, 2d, and some men in the various 'ungrouped' areas of the project).

Between 2003 & 2005 this Haplogroup was titled R1b3;  Between 2005 & 2008, it was called R1b1c;  Between 2008 & 2011, it was called R1b1b2;  In 2011, it began to be styled as R1b1a2.  The 'name' selections and alterations to how your Haplogroup is named continue - this is a dynamic study, because every month or so, new discoveries are taking place.  Do please be aware that by testing your Y-DNA, you have become part of "cutting-edge" science and from time-to-time you will be asked to partake further in certain tests.

Please also note that if you tested with '23andMe', your Haplogroup will be described as R1b1b2a - this is their naming and not FTDNA's naming.  Also, '23andMe' do not "do" confirmed Y-DNA Haplogroups.  (Those joining us from My Heritage are welcome as you are also welcome if you have transferred from, for example,  At all times, feel free to contact me ) Gail Riddell  (your project administrator) at 

If you have not seen the following before, this first map (from  )  may interest you.  (Much more information is available at the given URL).

As you can see, it would appear that the R1b men came from the Iberian Coastal regions, moved up into Ireland and the western parts of England (Cornwall and Wales) and perhaps thence to the Scottish Highlands and then to other parts of Scotland.  (It is not known for certainty as to the order of this dispersion).

Some of the men in this project are predicted Haplogroup R1a1.  (Group 6). Please note that it would be good if these men had their Haplogroups confirmed.

From the same URL (given above), is this map for the R1a men indicating not only the rarity of this Haplogroup, (in comparison with R1b) but that the men in Group 6 appear to have come from the Prussian area and North East Siberia, then their ancestors gravitated towards the northern countries of Norway and Sweden and arriving in Scotland (as examples). 

Some of the men in this project are I1.  (Group 5).

From the same URL (given above), is this map for the I1 men implying but that the men in Group 5 appear to have come from Slavic (Norway, Sweden, Finland) areas, then their ancestors gravitated towards the eastern parts of Scotland and England and a small portion of Ireland.  Perhaps these men were the original Norsemen?  The Vikings?  Certainly, seafaring appears to be strong within their dispersion. 

Some of the men in this project are I2b.  (Group 2a and some men in the 'ungrouped' section).

From the same URL (given above), is this map for the I2b men suggesting that the men in Group 2a appear to have come from eastern Germanic areas, spread westwards into France and to the eastern coast of England and Scotland.  Pockets are found in other areas, but when you compare the various maps given above, it seems that these men did not have the wide dispersion of certain other Haplogroups.  (Note the Grecian, Caspian Sea and Russian concentrations).