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R-Z251 and Subclades

R1b-Z251 and Subclades Project inc. Z251,S11556,FGC13899,Z16943,Z16944,L555
  • 612 members

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December 2015

Z251 and Subclades are included in the R1b-L21 SNP Pack

Z251 and many of its downstream markers are now covered by the R1b-L21 SNP Pack. All kits positive for the Z251 marker (or predicted to be so through STR results) should consider ordering the R1b-L21 SNP Pack unless they plan to order the Big Y test.

October 30, 2014

SNPs FGC11963 and BY317 appear to be an identifiers for two different subclades under L583+

SNP FGC11963 (location 3161901, mutation T>C) appears to be unique to FTDNA kit 193834.
SNP BY317 (location 19273484, mutation A>G) appears to be unique to FTDNA kit 201644.

Both of these kits (but no others) tested positive for L583, FGC11978, FGC11991, FGC13578, FGC13582, and FGC13589 (which can presumably be treated as phylogenetically equivalent until more 251-11EE test results are known). SNP FGC11985 appears to also be shared between the two L583+ testers (base on BAM file analysis), but negative for an L583- YSEQ tester. SNPs FGC11963 and BY317 are likely to be very recent events under L583+ (within the last few hundred years). BY317 and FGC11963 are now both available as individual advanced order SNPs from FTDNA.

There are also five SNPs (no names assigned yet) that appear to be positive for an L583- individual that do not appear in either of the two L583+ testers. The number of reportable high-reliability Big Y SNPs in the divergent L583- and L583+ lines of 251-11EE appears to be somewhere between 5-7. This is consistent with previous estimates for a divergence of L583- and L583+ of between 750-1000 years ago.

July 30, 2014

SNP A555 appears to be an identifier for the 251-11EE Eastern European Cluster

SNP A555 (location 13831767, mutation C>T) was discovered in an L583- individual and has also been confirmed to be present in an L583+ individual. However, this SNP has not been found in any other Z251 testers, meaning it is a likely identifier for the 251-11EE cluster. It is probable that A555 will be found as well in the two pending BIG Y tests for 251-11EE. With this added common SNP, a probable date of divergence of L583+ from L583- now looks to be perhaps 750-850 years ago (based on ~85% of FGC SNPs shared between known L583+ and L583- individuals). A more refined estimate may be possible after analysis of the two pending BIG Y tests for 251-11EE.