Jamieson Surname

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We have 2 JAMISON tests that match on 37 markers. Daniel S Jameyson and Peter C Jamerson match 62/67 Knowing that Peter C. Jamerson and Mr. Daniel S. Jameyson could not have had a common ancestor in the last 8 generations(I've assumed 8 generations purely for this example), their 67 marker comparison shows that the probability that they shared a common ancestor within the last... Comparison Chart (no. of generations to Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA)) 8 - 12 generations is 42.37% 16 generations is 75.23% 20 generations is 91.35% 24 generations is 97.4% 28 generations is 99.3% 32 generations is 99.82% 32 (generations) X 25(years per generation) = 800 years ago. So to see what was going on around 1200 visit -
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