Jamieson Surname

and variants Worldwide
  • 256 members

About us

Jamieson, and variants, surname project

Anyone researching the surname is welcome to join the project. Obviously having a proven connection to the name is of particular interest to existing project members. 

Donations for specific research areas
JAMIESON descendants from Moray, Banff or Aberdeenshire
If there is anyone with JAMIESON, or variant, descendants from Morayshire or Banffshire in North East Scotland I've donated $30 towards a test.

JAMESON descendants from Ulster A Jameson/Jamison/Jamieson with verifiable roots in Ulster between pre 1800. $60 towards a test

Contact the Group Admin to claim any donation from the general fund.

If any member wants to encourage people with roots in their ancestors region to order a kit please make a donation, along the lines of the above. Email me with the conditions and I will add it to this webpage. Good luck with your research.

Demolishing those Brickwalls
All family historians will hit the proverbial 'brickwall' sooner or later. Many researchers suspect other lines, with the same or similar surnames, could be connected to their tree. Unfortunately there is no documentary evidence available to prove it. This project will hopefully provide an opportunity to remove some of these 'brickwalls'. If you are unsure of how DNA testing can help the genealogist then take a look at - Genetic genealogy tutorials
Joining of existing family trees
If you suspect you are related to another family group then why not use Y-DNA testing to prove it. All it takes is 2 tests, one Jamieson male from each line, to find out if you have a Y-DNA match. You may prove connections not only to the obvious groups but others from around the world.
Spreading the cost
If you are concerned about the cost then please bear in mind that you can spread it between your family group. For example, if you have a proven family tree then only one direct descendant male needs to submit a sample. So every member within a group could share the costs. Talk to me nicely and I may make a small donation to your test.
The Ladies - we accept members with autosomal tests
The project is primarily for male Y-DNA tests. Finding your individual autosomal matches is straightforward but displaying results for groups, in a meaningful way, is difficult. Allowing membership does mean you can use the Activity Feed to discuss issue and to make contact with other members of the project.
Please don't forget how important the ladies are when it comes to organising things. So whilst it's the Jamieson males that supply the Y-DNA it could very well be the ladies that provide the organisational skills necessary to get those test swabs into the male. Sorry, that should be the mail.