HARTLEY Surname DNA Project

  • 141 members

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Up-to-date Results at: http://www.familytreedna.com/public/hartley/?iframe=ydna

Updated R1b-Tree [2016]

Most Hartley males are R-DF13+ so I would suggest you first of all just test Y-12 STRs using this link [scroll down]


order Y-12 $59 [add any coupons that may be available in a Sale, ask Admin if there are any]

then after you know your Haplogroup, order an appropriate SNP Pack, ask Admin for help.

R1b -> R-L278 -> R-L389 -> R-P297 -> R-M269 -> R-L23 -> R-L51 -> R-L151 -> R-P312 -> R-L21 -> R-DF13 ->

R1b-Tree by Wiliam Hartley [August 2013]