DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


  • 43 members

About us

Results are in for all 44 members. They show 6 distinct lines and several who fall within none of the known lines as yet.

Go to our website to see details:

The need for a paper trail between the groups is the most important result of testing. DNA results should point us in the direction we most need to search.

Please, try to persuade any Edge gentlemen you know to join our project. If you have corresponded with others from overseas, urge them to join us as well. The more folks tested, the better.

Also, please upload info to the Y-search database -- other matches may give clues to your heritage. A Gedcom uploaded to the website will also help folks to see your family tree to determine if there is a possible match along the way. Living members will not be listed and a bare minimum of info is posted. The number who have done both is small, but growing. Please encourage members to do this.

Thanks to all those who have been tested, and to sponsors as well! Our numbers are slowly growing and that is very encouraging.

We have had several people who have found new cousins because of this project and others who have been prompted to reconnect with relatives.