Langsam-Spira-Miller y-DNA Project

  • 65 members

About us

Also see: Our family has a tradition that we descend from Issachar, son of our holy patriarch Jacob. Does your family have a similar tradition? Is your surname LANGSAM? Do you have any Pesach LANGSAMs in your family tree? Does your family claim paternal descent from the Bnei Yissoschur, Reb Hersh Mylech Spira of Dynow (1783 - 1841)? Is your family surname MILLER (or any form of it such as Muller or Meller) and originate in Galica in the 1800 time-period? For general information on our family, our website may be accessed via If possible, we recommend taking the Y-DNA37 test so we can try to establish as much of a baseline as possible. Thank you for your participation!