DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


  • 74 members

About us

The Willamette Valley Genealogical Society DNA website has been established to help members and non-members order tests at a group rate without first joining a surname, geographical or ethnic project. You may do so after testing, however. Joining any project at FTDNA is free. When you order a DNA test through WVGS's DNA website, the society earns money to help maintain their library. Both men and women may test. Men can order a Y-DNA or mtDNA test. Women can only order mtDNA as they do not carry the Y chromosome. If you are interested in information on your all male line (surname) then the Y-DNA test is needed. If you are interested in your all female lineage, order an mtDNA test. The mtDNA tells you about your most ancient ancestry by providing you with a haplogroup which is your branch on the World's family tree. A separate test called a SNP is needed to determine with certainty the haplogroup for the Y-DNA. Although there is not project discount, anyone can join if you order a Family Finder test, as well. Please contact me if you have questions. Emily at aulicino@hevanet.com