Wannamaker Surname Project

Wanamaker, Wannemacher, Wannenmacher, Wanmacher
  • 7 members

About us

This project is intended for males with the surname Wannamaker* and who have participated in Y-DNA testing. The goals are: 1. to use Y-DNA testing to connect family groups through direct paternal lines, 2. to help identify the hometowns from where our emigrant ancestors came, 3. to help prove or disprove the theory that all Wannamakers* are related, and 4. to learn about our more ancient ancestry. Wannamaker descendants live in the United States, Canada, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, France, Austria, Australia, England, and other countries. It is presumed that we share the same ancestor, Hengin Wanmecher (1450) of Darmstadt, Germany. We hope many Wannamakers will participate in Y-DNA testing (males only) which could help answer many of these questions. In the meantime, you can read about our progress at www.WannamakerGenealogy.com. * (or name spelling variant)