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16 July 2019

There are 30 members of the project.

22 members have their results posted below. Eight are ungrouped as they have no known relationship to Wallbanks or Wilbanks. One has tested at 12 markers, ten at 37 markers, five at 67 markers and 11 at 111 markers, currently the maximum at FTDNA. The base testing level is 37 but the more markers the greater the resolution when making comparisons. Often relationships can become more distant but more precise when more markers are compared. One member Genbase Wallbank in "Wallbank of Yorks/Lancs” was tested at a different testing-house; only 19 of 37 markers are the same as FamilytreeDNA. Although 111 markers are the current maximum at FTDNA, the Big Y throws up considerably more but at a price. Two members have tested Big Y – Ian Wallbank and Michael Slattery in Wallbank/Wilbanks1 group.

Members so far fall into four main groups, each with a distinct origin of the name within a few thousand years:

1.Wallbank of Yorkshire/Lancashire (Haplogroup I-M253) – 3 members (2 with FTDNA)

2. Wilbanks 1/Wallbank of Staffordshire (Haplogroup I-M253) – 8 members

3. Wilbanks 2 (Haplogroup R-M269) - 8 members

4. Wilbanks 3 (Haplogroup I-M233) - 2 members

5. Wilbanks 4 (Haplogroup I-M269) - 1 member

Surnames only started to come into use in England in the 13C, possibly to differentiate people for taxation. Surnames were established for other reasons: someone in the past may have liked a new surname and adopted that; the spelling may have changed because of dialect interpretation. Many people couldn’t read or write and relied on the local clergy for interpretation when he recorded a ceremony – he may have been foreign to the district and spoke with a different dialect. Some people may have a change through adoption. Surnames are not cast in stone they can change over time, but often retain some similarity – Wilbank, Woolbank, Welbank, Wallbank, with or without a final s, etc

Because it is possible to have a similar marker sequence for unrelated people, surnames, and their close variants are essential in combination with DNA in establishing relationships. The markers we use in this study are short tandem repeats (STRs). However, the recent trend is towards adding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP ) testing for deep genealogy. Many more markers are tested, and as new ones are discovered and more people are tested, very close relationships will be found, possibly differentiating between father and son. Though testing for large numbers of SNPs is expensive it may become possible in the future to have a suite of “relevant SNPs” tested at a reasonable cost to give very meaningful information on close relationships.


1.Haplogroup. (This is shown in bold near to the heading of each of our groups)

haplogroup is a genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor on the patriline or the matriline. Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations.

2. Haplotypes (This is what out markers are)

A group of alleles of different genes on a single chromosome that is closely enough linked to be inherited usually as a unit.

Our project is based on STRs and surnames.

The main Groups are:

1. Wa(l)lbank of Yorkshire/Lancashire.

The three members belong to Haplogroup I-M253 (Nordic/Saxon origin). The DYS390 value of 23 indicates that they may be Norse origin.

The Wa(l)lbanks in this group show a close relationship to each other. Members 89850 (David Wallbank) and 108920 (John Wallbank) have a 35/37 marker match (and the other two markers differing by only one unit) giving a Genetic Distance of 2. This means that there is a 96% probability that they share a common ancestor since 1600. However, they have only a 23/37 match with 78646 (Ian Wallbank) , a Staffordshire Wallbank. This represents a Genetic Distance of 15, indicating that there is only about a 3% probability that the Yorks/Lancs and Staffordshire lines share a common ancestor since 1300.

Therefore there is a very high probability of at least two origins of the Wallbank name in England.

One member of the Yorks/Lancs group has markers imported from "Genbase". Only 19 out 37 markers are similar to those tested by FamilytreeDNA, but the closeness of the match of this reduced array of markers is sufficient to indicate a close relationship to the other two Yorks/Lancs Wa(l)lbanks. His earliest ancestor is from Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England in the 16th century.

2. Wilbanks 1/Wallbank of Staffordshire, England,

Staffordshire is about 100 miles south of Giggleswick in Yorkshire. Seemingly a short distance but still a long way for population movement in England. Recent studies have shown that people in England have mostly remained in their local districts within the past few hundred years. Migration from the land to the industrial cities during the Industrial Revolution was usually very local. It is likely though not proved that the Wilbanks 1 group originated from the Staffordshire Wallbanks.

There are eight members of this group.

All members of the group share the same Haplogroup I-M253 (Nordic/Saxon origin) . The DYS390 value of 22 indicates that this group may be Saxon origin.

Two members 78646 (Ian Wallbank) and 139862 (Michael Slattery) share a Haplogroup I-Y7200. They are both I-M253 of course but this haplogroup is further downstream of I-M253, so is closer to the present. Although they do not share the same surname this haplogroup shows they share a common ancestor within about 1000 years. It is the result of a Big Y test which reveals many SNPs.

All members of this group show a high probability of sharing a common ancestor within the last 300-400 years and some have a very close relationship. It is quite likely, although by no means certain, that the ancestors of all members of this group originated in the East Midlands of England about 1500.

a) Ian Wallbank and 37473 Jesse Delbert Wilbanks

Ian Wallbank (Staffordshire, England) and Jesse Delbert Wilbanks (United States ) show a 62/67 match which represents a calculated Genetic Distance of 5. This means that there is a 99% probability that they have a common ancestor born after 1300 and an 88% probability that they have a common ancestor born after 1500.

An even closer match is shown with 100983 Wilbanks (father of Fabel Konicke) at 67 markers, suggesting a Genetic Distance of 4 and a 95% probaility of a common ancestor since about 1600.

b) 91791 Burwell Lee Wilbanks

The 37 marker result of Burwell Lee Wilbanks shows a close relationship (11/12 match: one step difference at fast mutating marker 385b, and a 33/37 match ) to both Ian Wallbank and Jesse Delbert Wilbanks (37473). However, the 67 marker results show that Burwell Lee Wilbanks (91791) has a 63/67 match with Jesse Delbert Wilbanks (37473) and a 60/37 match with Ian Wallbank. The results of the additional markers show that the relationship between Burwell Lee Wilbanks (91791) and Jesse Lee Wilbanks (37473) is much closer than to Ian Wallbank, which is not apparent in the 37 marker results. This demonstrates the advantage of the higher resolution test. The respective Genetic Distance at 67 markers are 4 and 7 respectively. This equates to a greater than 90% probability of sharing a common ancestor since 1600 for Burwell Lee Wilbanks (91791) and Jesse Delbert Wilbanks (37473), compared with a greater than 90% probability of sharing a common ancestor since about 1400 for Burwell Lee Wilbanks (91791) and Ian Wallbank.

c) 100983 Roland J Wilbanks (Fabel Konicke's father)

The third Wilbanks1 member Roland J. Wilbanks (100983) shows a 12/12 marker match with Ian Wallbank and Jesse Delbert Wilbanks (37473). The 37 marker results show a 36/37 marker match (Genetic distance = 1) with Ian Wallbank and a 35/37 marker match (Genetic Distance = 3) with Jesse Wilbanks (37473) . This is a surprising discovery as it appears to indicate that Member 100983, Roland Wilbanks is more closely related to Ian Wallbank ( a Staffordshire, England Wallbank) than to the other Wilbanks in the group. This would suggest that there is a high probability that Ian Wallbank and Roland Wilbanks (100983) and Jesse Wilbanks (37473) in the Wallbank/Wilbanks1 Group have a common ancestor who was living in Staffordshire about 1600. In fact there is a 90% probability that Roland Wilbanks (100983) and Ian Wallbank share a common ancestor since about 1800. This would be quite extraordinary if true. It would be very interesting to find what the 67 marker test would reveal.

In fact, later testing at 67 markers revealed a different picture which changes the interpretation a little. The results of the 67 marker test showed that the Genetic Distance of Roland Wilbanks (100983) and Ian Wallbank has increased from 1 to 4, whereas the Genetic Distance between Roland Wilbanks (100983) and Jesse Wilbanks (37473) remained at 3. This reduced the probability of a common ancestor since about 1800 with Ian Wallbank to about 50% . However, at the higher resolution testing level, Ian Wallbank appears still to be more closely related to Roland Wilbanks (100983) than are other members of the group.

Even so, the higher resolution test shows that most of the group have a 90% probability of sharing a common ancestor since about 1600.

Roland Wilbanks (100983) has a 11/12 marker match and a 32/37 marker match (Genetic Distance = 5) with the second Burnell Lee Wilbanks (91791).

d) 132029 Bruce Clark Wilbanks

The fourth Wilbanks member of this group, Bruce Clark Wilbanks, has tested at 37 markers. The 12 marker results are exactly as those of Ian Wallbank and the other Wilbanks , excepting Burnell Lee Wilbanks (91791), who has a 11/12 marker match. (1 step out at Marker 385b).

The 37 marker results show a 33/37 match with Bruce Lee Wilbanks (91791); a 34/37 marker match with Jesse Wilbanks (37473) and Ian Wallbank ; and a 35/37 match with Roland Wilbanks (100983). This is translated into the following Genetic Distance and probability of a common ancestor in a given timeframe.:

Roland Wilbanks (100983) - Genetic Distance 2. 90% probability of common ancestor in 12 generations

Jesse Wilbanks (37473) - Genetic Distance 3. 90% probability of common ancestor in 16 generations

Ian Wallbank - Genetic Distance 3 . 90% probability of common ancestor in 16 generations

Burnell Willbanks (91791) and Michael Slattery (139862) - Genetic Distance 5. 90% probability of common ancestor in 24 generations

Familytree DNA regards a Genetic Distance of 2 or 3 at 37 markers showing a relationship. A Genetic Distance of 5 indicates a probable relationship.

e) 139862 Michael Slattery has tested for 111 markers and Big Y

Michael Slattery or his ancestor was adopted so there is no ancestral information. There is a high probability that he shares a common ancestor with other members of the group in the last 20 generations (approx. 500 years), and a 90% probability of sharing a common ancestor within about 15 generations (approx. 400 years).

The closest relative in the group is Ian Wallbank. The test results at 67 markers show a Genetic Distance of 5, suggesting a 93 % probability of a common ancestor since 1600. The next closest is Roland Wilbanks (100983) at a Genetic Distance of 7 (90% probability of a common ancestor since about 1500).

Michael Slattery has tested Big -Y, as has Ian Wallbank. This has confirmed the relationship. They share the same Haplogroup I -Y7200 which is closer to the present day than I-M253, but pending further testing of others, the time to the most recent ancestor (TMRA) is about 1000 years. This could reduce significantly as more (Wallbank/Wilbank) relatives are tested and as a consequence more unique common SNPs are found. Ideally, of course, if more project members tested Big -Y, the additional information would be found, but that would be expensive. In the future it may be possible to test a suite of relevant SNPs, developed and found from the Big Y testing of some members, at a reasonable cost.

f) 447084 Tim Wilbanks has tested for 37 markers.

It must be remembered that testing at 37 markers is the minimum level for meaningful results. Comparison at increased marker levels allows more significant comparisons. However, if comparisons are backed up with a paper trail, it is a powerful tool to confim or disprove relationships.

At this level of markers Tim is closely related to Bruce Clark Willbanks at 1 Genetic Distance (97% probability of a common ancestor since about 1800) and to Jesse Delbert Willbanks and Will C Willbank at Genetic Distance 2 (97% probability of common ancestor since 1700), and to Ian Wallbank, Bruce Lee Willbanks, Jesse Delbert Willbanks and Michael Slattery at Genetic Distance 3, a 90% probability of a common ancestor since about 1700.

g) Wilbanks has tested for 37 markers. The same reservations apply as with Tim above, however, it is found that at this level of markers Will is closely related to Bruce Clark Wilbanks and Ian Wallbank at Genetic Distance of only 1 with a 97% probability of a common ancestor since 1700. Tim Wilbanks and Jesse Delbert Wilbanks are at a Genetic Distance of 2, though have a similar common ancestor probability. Slightly more distant at a Genetic Distance of 3 is the father of Fabel Konicke, Burwell Lee Wilbanks and Michael Slattery. The relationship of Will C Wilbanks to Burwell Lee Wilbanks is anomalous as the Genetic Distance is shown as 3 by FTDNA though they say the probability of a common ancestor since 1700 is over 99% . Michael Slattery is shown to be a little more distant with a 90% probability of a common ancestor since about 1700.

Because most members of the Wallbank/Willbank1 groups have tested at relatively low markers, ancestral trees and a paper trail become even more important. I feel there is a strong enough link between the Wallbanks of Staffordshire and Willbanks1 to suggest a common ancestor in the past 400 years.

We have characterized each member of the group by his most distant known ancestor in order to compare the families. Additional and more detailed paper information is sought.

The most distant known ancestor of each member is:

Roland J Wilbanks , father of Fabel Konicke, (100983): Most distant known ancestor is Richard Woolbanks b 1740

lineage is:

Robert F. Willbanks b 1896

John L.Willbanks b 1860

John Wilbanks b 1837

William Willbanks b 1815

John Wilbanks b unknown

Richard Woolbanks b 1740

Burwell Lee Wilbanks (91791): Most distant known ancestor is Wiley Willbanks of Lincoln Co, TN, b. abt 1801 in South Carolina.(maybe brother of Reuben below)

Jesse Delbert Wilbanks (37473): Most distant known ancestor is Reuben Wilbanks of Lincoln Co.,TN, b abt 1803 (maybe brother of Wiley above)

lineage is:

Jesse Paul Wilbanks b 1910

Samuel Wilbanks b 1873

Jeremiah Wilbanks b bef. 1850

Reuben Wilbanks b abt 1803

Ian Wallbank (78648): Most distant known ancestor is Thomas Wallbank bur 1661 in Ellastone, Staffordshire, England

lineage is:

Charles S Wallbank b 1927

Thomas H Wallbank b. 1897

Thomas Wallbank b 1860

Joseph Wallbank b 1829

Thomas Wallbank b 1803

Walter Wallbank b 1764

Samuel Wallbank b 1726

Richard Wallbank b 1682

Thomas Wallbank b 1643

Thomas Wallbank bur 1661

All the above Wallbanks are of north Staffordshire, England.

3. Wilbanks 2

There are eightmembers of this group and are distinct from Wilbanks 1. However,Billy Roger Wilbanks has only tested for 12 markers, not sufficientto provide meaningful data other than tentatively put him in Wilbanks2 because of his derived Haplogroup. Maybe a paper trail canassociate him with other members of the group, but his haplogroupmakes him distinct from groups 1 and 2.

All membersshare the same Haplogroup R-M269 (Europeanorigin) or similar and are distinct from groups 1 and 2. The commonancestor of the two groups is several thousands of years ago. They,therefore, sprung-up in the USA quite independently fromWilbanks1 and are probably not Norse origin.

All the groupconsists of United States Wilbanks : James Harmon Wilbanks(84692), Gary Alison Wilbanks (88833), Ronald Gray Wilbanks (84732), Aaron Richardson Wilbanks (321466), Michael Wayne Wilbanks(538438), Robert Martin Wilbanks IV (681445), Billy Roger Wilbanks(N30619), and most recently Glenn E Wilbanks (B360936) who has testedfor 37 markers.

There appears to bea closely related group within the group, Gary Alison Wilbanks, AaronRichardson Wilbanks and Michael Wayne Willbanks comprise a group with0 Genetic Distance and 97% probability of a common ancestor since1800. Billy Roger Wilbanks also falls in this sub-group but at only12 markers analysis is tentative

Robert MartinWilbanks IV (681445) is Genetic Distance 1 from the sub-group andwith a 97%, probability of a common ancestor since 1800. FTDNA givesa similar probability to the sub-group but a slightly greater GeneticDistance. An apparent anomaly I can’t explain. However,the bottom line is they are closely elated.

Two members ofWilbanks 2, James Harmon Wilbanks (84692) and Ronald Gray Wilbanks(84732) are at the same Genetic Distance 1 from the sub-group butunlike Robert Martin at the same Genetic Distance 1 only have a 97%probability of sharing a common ancestor with the sub-group fromabout 1700, about 100 years earlier. Furthermore, Robert Martinis at Genetic Distance 2 from James Harmon and Ronald Gray with 97%probability of common ancestor about 1700.

I thought maybeJames Harmon and Ronald Gray could be considered as a closely relatedsub-group but that is not quite the case for though they are fairlyclosely related they are separated by a Genetic Distance 2, 97%probability of a common ancestor about 1700.

The newest member ofthe group, Glenn E Wilbanks is more closely related to Aaron Richardson Wilbanks, Michael Wayne Wilbanks and Gary Alison Wilbanksat Genetic Distance of I than Robert Martin WilbanksIV, James HarmonWilbanks and Ronald Gray Wilbanks at a Genetic Distance of 2. (AGenetic Distance of 1 gives an 89% probability of a common ancestorin 8 generations (about since 1750) whereas it is 71% probabilityfor Genetic Distance 2)

They are not relatedto the nine members of the Wilbanks1/Wallbank group as thegenetic distance is about 47 which indicates that the time to thecommon ancestor was greater than several thousand years ago. Also,the haplogroup is very different, suggesting the common ancestor wasseveral thousands of years ago. It is a completely different branch.


JamesHarmon Wilbanks (84692): Most distant known ancestor is WilliamWoolbanks/Wilbanks of Bute Co., North Carolina in 1772 beforemigrating to Union District, South Carolina where he raised hisfamily with wife Abarilla Gos(t)wick

lineage is:

James W. Wilbanks,b. 1904

Harmon HoseaWilbanks, b. 1871

John W. Wilbanks, b.1848

Hosea Wilbanks, Jr.,b. 1817 in South Carolina

Hosea Wilbanks, bc1775 in Union District, South Carolina

WilliamWoolbanks/Wilbanks, of Bute Co., North Carolina in 1772 beforemigrating to Union Co., SC

Gary Alison Wilbanks(88833): Most distant known ancestor is WilliamWoolbanks/Wilbanks of Bute Co., North Carolina in 1772 beforemigrating to Union District, South Carolina where he raised hisfamily with wife Abarilla Gos(t)wick.

lineage is:

Samuel LuciusWilbanks, b. 1896

Samuel EasleyWilbanks, b. 1855

John W. Wilbanks, bc1817 in Pendleton District, South Carolina

Shadrack Wilbanks,bc 1785 in Union District, South Carolina

WilliamWoolbanks/Wilbanks, of Bute Co., North Carolina in 1772 beforemigrating to Union Co., SC

Ronald Gray Wilbanks(84732): Most distant known ancestor is William Woolbanks/Wilbanks ofBute Co., North Carolina in 1772 before migrating to Union District,South Carolina where he raised his family with wife AbarillaGos(t)wick.

lineage is:

John HollandWilbanks, b. 1838

WilliamH./W.Wilbanks, b. 1804 [understood to be the most likely link to thefamily of William Woolbanks/Wilbanks]

Hosea Wilbanks, bc1775 in Union District, South Carolina

WilliamWoolbanks/Wilbanks, of Bute Co., North Carolina in 1772 beforemigrating to Union Co., SC

Billy Roger Wilbanks(N30619): . No ancestral information is available. This memberhas tested at only 12, giving poor statistical relevance ofcomparison with others in the group.

Glenn E Wilbanks(B360936) is the newest member of the project and has tested for 37markers. The most distant known ancestors are William and Abarilla Woolbanks/Wilbanks, born about 1747, as above for Gary Alison Wilbanks, Ronald Gray Wilbanks and James Harmon Wilbanks above. He is the 5th cousin of Michael Wayne Wilbanks above. Gary Alison Wilbanks and Aaron Richardson Wilbanks are believed to be 5th or 6th cousins.