Villalba & Villalva

  • 15 members

About us

Hello everyone, Thank you for visiting. If in your *direct* maternal or paternal ancestry/lineage there is the surname *Villalba, Villalva and/or Vialva*, please join this project. The 3 surnames are related/connected. This is a worldwide project. So far, in my contact with others, it has been seen that some people with these surnames may be in Venezuela (e.g. Jóvito Villalba, Former Venezuelan Politician), Iberian Peninsula, Brazil, and Argentina. Using few persons with surname *Villalba* may be in the UK, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Italy, USA, Switzerland, and France. The second highest amount of persons are in Spain, and Argentina has the highest amount of persons. Using few persons with surname *Villalva* may be in France and USA. The second highest amount of persons are in Spain, and Argentina has the highest amount of persons. Using few persons with surname *Vialva* may be in the UK. The second highest amount of persons are in USA, and Argentina has the highest amount of persons. As presented in "Dictionario Sefaradi De Sobrenomes" ("Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames")which provides the Sephardic names of immigrants to Brazil and which names Villalba, it's possible that there are still Brazilians with this surname. Thank you, Janine