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  • 162 members

About us

This surname project was hosted by WorldFamilies for many years up to 23 May 2018, when they decided to retire from hosting FTDNA surname projects.  It had been a public project all that time, open to anyone who wished to join.  Conrad Terrill has administered the project for WorldFamilies starting in 2010, continuing to run it as they had been running it.  With the new European Union data protection laws in effect as of 25 May 2018 it was decided to change this to a private project, as described in "Overview." 

In November 2018, Dave Stumpf was added as a co-administrator of the project. He has experience managing several FTDNA Projects and keeps up to date with their capabilities through attendance at the annual conference.

   Conrad Terrill, co-administrator
  David A Stumpf, MD, PhD, co-administrator


External inks to "Terrell" societies:

Tyrrell Family History Society (England)
This society operated as a private organization with events, research activity, an archive of Tyrrell-related material, a lending library, and a newsletter, from 1978 to December of 2018, when it suspended the newsletter and became a web-based society.  You can still join.

Terrell Society of America
Incorporated in 1985 this society ceased accepting new members and suspended its newsletter at the end of 2011, but has continued to operate its website, which is currently getting an interesting new look.  Although covering all T*R*Ls it is the principle source of information for descendants of Colonial Virginia Terrells.

Descendants of Roger Terrill of Milford, Connecticut
DOR-Terrill, coadministered by Nancy Tyrrel Theodore (who ran an earlier incarnation of DOR from 1978 to 1995) and Conrad Terrill, is primarily a repository of records and memorabilia concerning Roger Terrill (c1615 - 1681) and his descendants, with both public and private sections.

How the Davis line acquired a Terrill Y-chromosome
Case study -- kits 431040 and 784428