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T-Y3782 & T-Y22559

  • 79 members

About us

The T-Y3782 & T-Y22559 DNA Project is for all members of any of their subclades who wish to work together to learn more about their roots and common heritage through DNA testing and sharing of information. More participation and active research increase the knowledge about our common roots. PROJECT ADMINISTRATORS * Esteban Rosa Founder. * G Barrante Admin of the T-Y22559 & T-Y3782 sections. * Johan Bode Admin HOW TO PARTICIPATE If you are not already a project member and you have been tested and Confirmed or Predicted as T-Y3782 or T-Y22559 then please JOIN the project by clicking on the JOIN button in the banner photograph above to the right. Anyway you can join If you think that you have any link to these two T subclades or any of the lineages of their members.