
  • 18 members

About us

The surname SWINT is somewhat rare in the USA, yet there are Swint genealogists who, so far, have not been able to prove genealogical connections with other Swints. For example, the line of Swints in the southern USA, descending from John Swint of Georgia (who died in 1801) may or may not be connected to one or more Swint lines in the northern/midwestern states of the USA. The genealogists of the John Swint line have, so far, hit the proverbial brick wall at John Swint. The primary objective of the SWINT surname project is to identify, prove, or disprove genealogical links between Swints who wish to participate, with the ultimate goal of finding links between the Swints descending from John Swint (who died in 1801) and other lines of Swints. Then perhaps we can trace the John SWINT line all the way back to its origin in Europe, probably Germany.