Sauser Souser Säußer

Exploring histories of those related to Sauser / Souser / Säußer name variants.
  • 71 members

About us

A goal of linking the many different branches of the Sauser / Souser / Sausser / family tree all which are believed to be Americanized versions of the likely German Säußer or the Swiss originated Sauser (1300s) name or the very early English (Glouchester) references to Souser / Sauser / Saucer as well (1200-1300s). All who are related or bear the name, no matter which DNA test you have taken as we are finding them all useful. There are multiple defined lines known within the US which Y-DNA points to a common ancestor among many of them but documentation is not yet in place. There are also known offshoot lines that originate through adoption or other name inheritance. The project is open to all variants or potential extensions or shortening of the name if in the ballpark name and of Western European origin. (Germany, Switzerland, France, Luxemburg, Austria, England, etc) and all of the names the areas have contained over the centuries. The project focuses primarily on Y-DNA, and but also looks at Autosomal Family Finder and is starting to look at mtDNA. The project administrators will be focusing in on the primary Surnames of the project but also examining similar surnames as listed below to see if there is a direct relationship to them. To date males with at least 200 years of history have either fallen into one of three subclades in I-M253 (2) or M-269 (1). Each line also has at least one BigY to determine the specific Haplogroup as well. -Sausser's have all fallen under I-M253. (2 branches of 1 line) -Sauser's have all fallen under I-M253. (2 branches of 1 line) -Souser's have all fallen under I-M253 or M-269. (Many branches / tbd lines) If you are joining the project because you have one of these surnames, welcome! If you believe you have any of these last surnames in your family tree / genealogy, please either have this in your FamilyTreeDNA family tree or contact the project administrator with detail of why you are joining the project. Acceptable reasons are that it is documented in your genealogy, a family story linking you to the name, or because you have a Match via one of the linking tools (on this website or another) to someone with one of these surnames, but we will want to explore that as some matches may not be related to the goals of this project. Those that join the project that do not help the administrators understand how you are or may be related may be removed by the administrator. Note: The Surname List below puts the Surnames in alphabetical order.