About us
The intent of the Shipley Family Project is to help find family connections for Shipleys of all spellings and variations. The project encourages researchers to find their common heritage through sharing of information and DNA testing. The project leverages Y-DNA from participating male volunteers to learn more about Shipley (and similar surnames) paternal lines.
By joining the group, you agree to provide the project with 3 things:
1) The surname of the man being tested.
2) The name, date and place of birth of the oldest known ancestor.
3) Permission to publish the Y-DNA results along with the name, date and place of birth of the oldest known ancestor.
If you don't already have a Y-DNA test of 37 markers or more, visit Family Tree DNA’s products page at www.familytreedna.com/products/y-dna to begin your research journey. Prospective members should read the FAQ at the bottom of www.familytreedna.com.