
  • 20 members

About us

The Schmutz Surname DNA Project began about 2008. As of June 2019, there are still only three men named Schmutz (Smootz) who did a Y DNA test with FTDNA. However, there are at least three other men named Schmutz have also been tested. Two of these were tested by another company, before this project was initiated.

This surname project has been expanded to include persons who do an autosomal DNA test and have an ancestor named Schmutz.  This allows women, as well as men, to participate in this category.  The autosomal DNA test by FTDNA is called "Family Finder". 

Please see the Schmutz Lines of Descent webpage (
for a more visual presentation of the genealogy that has been shared.  There are at least 3 Schmutz Families - one designated the Swiss Schmutz Family, one the Engen, Germany Schmutz Family, and the other the Dornstadt, Germany Schmutz Family   There is another webpage that lists some the Schmutz immigrants to North America ( )