
  • 37 members

About us

PIDCOCK,PITCOCK,PIDCOE,PIDDOCK or similar surnamed men are invited to join the Y-Chromosome based DNA tests. Matrilineal descendants of Charity Pittinger(b. ~1760) or Phoebe Kitchen (B.10/10/1759)are invited to join mitochodrial study.

There are ways for everyone to participate:

* Help spread the word and identify potential candidates for testing.
* Help Google find this site by linking to it from other web sites
* Sponsor testing for candidates with limited income or those not willing to pay (but are needed to validate a family line)
* Provide additional pedigree information within the tested family lines
* Find and document matrilineal candidates (female descendants of Phoebe Kitchen or Charity Pittinger) for the one mystery that requires this kind of information