DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.

PA Deutsch

  • 32 members

About us


Important Note: Your genealogy on all branches of your family tree must be known and documented via prior paper trail research prior to applying to join this project. To participate the person tested must be a direct male line Y-DNA paternal line descendant AND a direct maternal line mtDNA maternal line descendant of a German speaking immigrant who lived prior to 1800 in Pennsylvania. Also, at least 7 of 8 great-grandparents for the person being tested must be of solid PA Deutsch ancestry.

Please read and review the 'Who Can Join' paragraph in the project's BACKGROUND tab/section.

This project was launched on 14 Mar 2003 to study the genetic genealogy DNA markers found in the Pennsylvania Deutsch ethnic group. Note: This is a very specialized and focused study of the PA Deutsch and it requires three types of DNA tests. To participate the person tested must have direct male line Y-DNA paternal line descendant AND direct female line mtDNA maternal line descendant of a German speaking immigrant who lived prior to 1800 in Pennsylvania. This project also requires extensive genealogical knowledge and documentation of your traditional genealogy of both your father's and mother's genealogy.

You will be required to submit a standard one-page 6 generation genealogy pedigree chart as part of the joining process to document your PA Deutsch ancestry on all lines. That documentation is necessary to support the scientific validity of the data accumulated with this project.

I recommend that prior to applying to join this project, and/or while applying for this project, that you first join the Colonial-USA-Deutsch Project. Joining the Colonial-USA-Deutch Project is the first step to joining the PA Deutsch Project and is part of the qualifying process for joining the PA Deutsch Project.

WHO CAN JOIN THIS PROJECT: Please read about the traditional genealogy research and multiple Genetic Genealogy tests (yDNA, mtDNA, and atDNA tests) required to join and participate in this specialized ethnic group focused study and project. See the project's Background page for more information as to who can join this very specialized project. To participate the person tested must have direct male line Y-DNA paternal line descendant AND direct female line mtDNA maternal line descendant of a German speaking immigrant who lived prior to 1800 in Pennsylvania. Since the PA Deutsch Project also uses atDNA autosomal chromosome marker testing in addition to the direct line YDNA and mtDNA testing, you must have known, proven, and documented PA Deutsch ancestry in large majority in both your father's and mother's side of your family tree to join this project. At least 7 of 8 great-grandparents for the person being tested must be of solid PA Deutsch ancestry. You will be required to provide a copy of your traditional genealogy research Ancestry Chart for 5 generations to the project administrator to document your PA Deutsch ancestry. Newly available BioGeographical DNA tests in early 2003 indicated that some PA Deutsch (aka PA Dutch) have a detectable percentage of non-European "Asiatic" genetic content, probably of ancient origin. This project will explore this discovery and attempt to document how many and to what extent this non-European "Asiatic" genetic content exists in the PA Deutsch Ethnic Group, and/or try to learn the ultimate source. In addition to the direct line yDNA and mtDNA tests, this special project also uses atDNA (autosomal chromosome DNA) testing and thus seven out of eight of your great-grandparents must be of PA Deutsch roots to join this project, in addition to your direct male line and maternal line ancestors. Again, you must know and be able to document your PA Deutsch ancestry via paper trail research prior to your joining this project.

For more about who are the PA Deutsch see this webpage: Who Are the PA Deutsch

Project Background, Goals, Results and News Copyright (c) 2013, Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. All Rights Reserved.