NMGS DNA Project

  • 1191 members

About us

Our mission is to validate genealogies tracing back to their known origin in New Mexico using Y-DNA and mtDNA testing. Persons with only autosomal (atDNA/Family Finder) tests are not eligible to join. 

Y-DNA and mtDNA testing are tools that can help confirm or distinguish branches of the same surname, and help these roadblocks by possibly linking them to surname lineages or family branches that have been confirmed using the papertrail/DNA process. The project requires that a participant submit a genealogy for the lineage tested, Y-DNA or mtDNA which will be validated by our team of researchers.


A popular test offered by FTDNA is the autosomal test (atDNA), also known as Family Finder. Both males and females can take this test. It offers a perspective of ethnic percentage inheritance and links a person to relatives also tested. These DNA results come from a combination of ancestors and not just direct paternal or maternal lines, thus it does not answer the questions we seek to answer. A person who has only done autosomal DNA can easily upgrade to Y-DNA and mtDNA (gender dependent) and join the project.​

The goals of the project are to use genealogies and DNA to better understand New Mexican ancestry. This is accomplished by managing the results in this FTDNA database listing last known ancestors for the lineages tested. To accomplish this, the project is designed to be open with sharing genealogies and DNA results. This in turn helps New Mexico genetic genealogy as a whole.


  • Submit a join form – gives the administrator authority to analyze the participant’s DNA data and genealogy and determines the level of sharing. 
  • Submit a genealogy form – the genealogy form should be filled out and sourced as best as possible. Our team will check, correct and validate what is submitted. Submission by email in MSWord form is preferred.
  • Allow admin the ability to updated last known Y-DNA and mtDNA ancestor after lineage validation(s) are complete.

As of 2019 it is a requirement that a participant be an NMGS Society member. We are the society that has been serving New Mexico genealogy since 1960. ​