Mouchet Surname

  • 2 members

About us

The Mouchet Surname project welcomes anyone interested in Mouchet family history.  The Mouchet name originated in France.  Today it is found throughout France with the biggest concentration in the department of Haute Savoie. A number of Mouchets, probably Huguenots, left France for England and Australia.

Mouchets in the United States
A large group of American Mouchets can trace their origins to Samuel Charles Mouchet who lived in Abbeville, South Carolina and his family most likely emigrated from England.  A second group appears in the New Orleans area, dating from the time that Louisiana was a French colony. A third, much smaller group, descends from Léon Félix Mouchet and his wife Marie Anna Emilie Honorine Pattison.  They left Paris in 1903, lived in Canada for a time and then settled in Kellogg Idaho.

There also appears to be a small group of Mouchets in South America.

I would appreciate suggestions from any Mouchets for making this description more complete. Also, please contact me if you are willing to provide a French translation of this.  Also, please contact me to add spelling variations to the surname list, if needed.

Data obtained from the Mouchet DNA Project must be attributed to the project, administrators, and Family Tree DNA as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify administrators when using data for any purpose other than personal information and personal research.

Family Resemblance?

Philbert Mouchet in Paris

John Tyler Mouchet in South Carolina