Haplogroup E-M35 & E-L117
  • 14 members

About us

LOEWENHEIM and related surnames e.g. LOVENHEIM, LÖWENHEIM, including WANGENHEIM & DEWITZ, as well as close Y-DNA matches (Haplogroup E-L117, E-M123  & E-M35) that might share a common male ancestor at a time before surnames were adopted.
Predominantly looking at families of Jewish Ancestry, but all are welcome to join.
There are several aims:

- There are several LOEWENHEIM lines, and Y-DNA testing would reveal which share common male line ancestors. LOEWENHEIM families can be traced back to various parts of Germany, parts of which are now in Poland, and to Hungary.
- As surnames in European Jewish families were not generally adopted until around 1800, it is expected that living descendants of a common ancestor will have a variety of surnames. Further, paper records from the period before inherited surnames were used are very difficult to use. The adoption of surnames means that related families can have different surnames, e.g three brothers adopted the surnames LOEWENHEIM, WANGENHEIM & DEWITZ in 1812 in West Prussia.
- To identify living men who share Y-DNA matches with the LOEWENHEIM, WANGENHEIM & DEWITZ men. For instance current members of the group with surname CHERRY, and residence in Russia are very close matches. All from Haplogroup E and subclades
E-L117, E-M123  & E-M35