J-Z35794 - Montgomery Founder

'Montgomery of Scotland' Founder Project for Haplogroup J-Z35794
  • 263 members

About us

Do you have a Montgomery ancestor you suspect is from Scotland originally? Join now and let us help you discover your relationship to the earliest known Montgomery in Scotland!

Robert of Montgomery, born 1125 in Renfrewshire, Scotland founded Clan Montgomery. His descendants have the haplogroup J-Z35794 and it's subclade J-Z35783 when they take a Big-Y test. All of these men also have the haplogroup J-M172 at the Y-37 to Y-111 DNA test level. The haplogroup was founded by a man born about 1400 with a 95% probability he was born between 1288-1538 CE. Based on record evidence of men with the haplogroup, J-Z35783 is probably Alexander Montgomery (1305-1388) of Renfrewshire, Scotland (married Margaret Douglas) but could be his 2 times great grandson Alexander 'Master of Montgomerie' (1428-1452) of Scotland (married Elizabeth Hepburn). They are both direct descendants of Robert, Founder of Clan Montgomery. The Renfrewshire Montgomerys emigrated from Wales to Scotland in the 12th century with the FitzAlans of Shropshire, England and derive their name from the barony of Montgomery located nearby. According to prominent historians Archibald Alexander McBeth Duncan, Geoffrey Wallis Steuart Barrow and Bruce McAndrew, there is no evidence of descent between Clan Montgomery and Roger de Montgomerie of Normandy, France. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Montgomery)

The goal of the project is to confirm with DNA and documentary sources who the Founder of J-Z35794 is and who the founder of each branch below that is. This project actively works with members to discover the exact ancestral path of each member back to Robert, Founder of Clan Montgomery.

It is also looking at the relationship of Robert, Founder of Clan Montgomery to men with surnames Nyberg, Jokiranta, Hunt, Willison, Eade, and Canning who share the parent Haplogroup J-Z35788.

Who should apply:

1. Men and women who suspect their Montgomery ancestor was originally from Scotland.
2. Men with Y DNA Haplogroup J-Z35794, J-Z35783, or one of their subclades.
3. Montgomery men with J-M172 Haplogroup at the Y-37 to Y111 testing level.
4. Men and women who match a Montgomery man with the J-M172 haplogroup on either their Y DNA match list or their Family Finder or other Autosomal DNA match list.

DNA Testing Grants are offered to descendants of:

Hugh Montgomery 1st Earl of Eglinton b 1460
Neil Montgomerie II b 1520 Ayrshire, Scotland
Adam Montgomery, VIth Laird Braidstane b 1540
Sir Hugh Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of the Great Ards b 1560
James David Montgomery b 1615 Lainshaw, Scotland
Hugh Montgomery b 1727 of Lancaster, South Carolina
Ninian Montgomery Jr b 1765 , married Jane Davis
David Clark Montgomery b 1812 of Lancaster County, South Carolina
Humphrey Montgomery and Bridget Clark of Orange and Burke County, North Carolina
John Montgomery and Frances Hitchborn, m 1727
Adam Montgomery and Deborah Thorn, m 1733
HughMontgomery and Martha May, m 1738
David Montgomery and Sarah Darling, m 1715
John Montgomery and Mary Strobridge, m 1734
Robert Montgomery and Rebecca Hews/Hughes, m 1731
William Montgomery and Elizabeth Hawes, m 1718.

The project uses the free world tree WikiTree.com to document lineages and sources, confirm DNA relationships and meet privacy standards. The project provides analysis to all members and helps members with WikiTree and GEDmatch to enable the analysis.

See the Links page for J-Z35794 clade and subclade Founders, Montgomery Immigrants in the line, and project member trees.