I-L161 (I2a-Isles)

subclade formerly known as "I2a-Isles" - member group - Welcome!
  • 1168 members

About us

Welcome to the I-L161 ("I2a-Isles") member project website!

This website is dedicated to all bearers of the SNP L161 in Y-DNA haplogroup I. Our haplogroup is also denominated as

If you have an STR marker haplotype called "Isles" you are very welcome here. If you have some matches that show up in your list as being I-L161 you surely also belong to I-L161!

We are trying to offer information about this haplogroup and we hope to establish a history of migration from the splitting off from the rest of haplogroup I until the time of recorded genealogy. We also make efforts to explore the subgroups as well as possible SNP subclades. And maybe some members find new friends - remember, we are one big family! :)

Please help to invite as many as possible people who share L161 SNP! That's the only way to reconstruct our history as best as possible. Thank you!

If you like, you may also become a member of our Facebook group "Haplogroup I-L161 (I2a-Isles)" or our sibling/parent project site "Y-Haplogroup I2a Project".