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Kit No. 22569 belongs to Haplogroup "R1b1."

Excellent News!
Kit No. 24006 matches Kit No. 29043 35 of 37 markers and their probable Haplogroup is "I1a."

Kit No. 34603 matches Kit No. 29043 33 of 37 markers. Since DYS # 458 and DYS # 570 are fast moving mutations, this match is considered 35 of 37 markers with a probable Haplogroup of "I1a."

Kit No. 46995 matches 24 of 25 markers with a probable Haplogroup of "I1a."

Kit Nos. 24006, 29043, 49107 and 62710 match 25 of 25 markers with a probable Haplogroup of "I1a."

Kit No. N6188 matches Kit No. 24006, Kit No. 29043 and Kit No. 46995 12 of 12 markers but should upgrade to at least the 25-marker test.

Kit No. 24006 also had his mtDNA (his mother's line) tested and belongs to Clan Helena.