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GEER DNA PROJECT (surnames included, but not limited to): DeGeer, DeGere, DelaGare, DelaGeer, Gaer, Gair, Gare, Gayer, Gayre, Gear, Geare, Gearr, Gears, Geary, Geear, Geer, Geere, Geems, Geers, Gehr, Gehres, Gehrich, Gehring, Geirr, Ger, Gercken, Gere, Gerens, Geresmes, Gerhrig, Geris, Gerulf, Gerwig, Gheerens, Gherin, Ghems, Gier, Giere, Gierens, Giers, Gyr, LeGyr, MacGeer, MacGirr, McGear, McGeer, McGhirr, McGirr, O'Gear, VandenGeer, VanderGeer Welcome to the GEER DNA Project, the home base for individuals researching the paternal ancestry (father’s father) of their Geer (Gear/Geere/Gere etc.) surname. While relatively new to family history application, DNA testing, when combined with traditional genealogical research, helps genealogists verify the direct male family line by quantifying the Y-chromosome which is passed virtually unchanged from father to son for hundreds of years. This numeric profile, when compared to other male descendants, can define the DNA of a common ancestor indicating a close or near close relationship. Results easily broaden the knowledge of one’s family and ancestral surname by confirming a family lineage or directing research efforts where researchers have faced a “brick wall.” This quick and efficient test, saves time, prevents mistakes, and provides invaluable data that can be obtained in no other way. Note, however, that when results disprove a genetic link to others of the same surname, there can be many reasons for the difference - such as varying countries of origin, a flawed paper trail or unrecorded event like adoption, intentional name change or unmarried spouses. For these individuals, the knowledge can be exciting, as they find an aspect of their past which wasn't previously known - or devastating, if they are distressed with the result. No matter how DNA results come out - you're still a member of the Geer family. We hope you'll look at DNA as an exciting discovery and follow the results wherever they lead, just as a deed, will or paper record can add to your family history. Surnames in this Project: Our project is open to any male of the GEER (Gear, Geere, Gere, etc.) surname or to any man believing that he is descended from a variant of the GEER surname. Participants are sought from the United States, Great Britian, Canada, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Oceania and wherever the Geer Surname may be found. Project Discussion: The DNA information is to be used in conjunction with historical and traditional genealogical research. While DNA results do not prove a relationship, the results can be quite helpful in guiding additional research. If a DNA profile does not match traditional genealogical data, the accepted hypothesized relationship may be incorrect. At other times DNA results may point to an unknown adoption in the family, or some other non-paternity event. Since a Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname, and females (a) don't carry their father's Y-DNA, and (b) acquire a new surname by the way of marriage, in order to be relevant to the Surname Project, the tested individual must be a male that wants to check his paternal line (father's father's father's...). The test to be ordered is either the Y-DNA37, Y-DNA25 or Y-DNA12, and females should look for a brother or cousin with that surname to be tested. Females can also order a test for themselves, which will be the mtDNA or mtDNAPlus, but the results of their test cannot be tied to the Surname Project. The GEER DNA Project works to: 1. Provide researchers working on Geer family lineages a place to come together to find and share their common heritage. 2. Identify the DNA lines of ancestor Geer families and compile them and their lost branches into distinct genetic lineages through DNA matches. For a detailed discussion of DNA, visit: Genetics & Genealogy - An Introduction With Some DNA Case Study Examples by Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.