
  • 341 members


  1. What can I expect to get out of this project?
    The primary purpose of a paternal surname project is to utilize Y-DNA testing to connect individuals who share a common paternal ancestor with others who carry the same or similar surname. By grouping individuals with similar Y-DNA test results into related family branches, the project aims to build a genetic family tree that can help genealogists discover new ancestors, confirm existing ones, and overcome brick walls in their research. Additionally, surname projects can help individuals connect with living relatives they may not have known about previously. It's important to note, however, that Y-DNA matches are often many generations removed, so this type of project may not be the best option for identifying closer relationships. Moreover, due to the nature of Y-DNA, the project is limited to analyzing the direct paternal line and is therefore only applicable to male ancestors.

  2. What is the cost of participating in the project?
    Participating in the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project is free, but in order to contribute to the project, you will need to take a Y-DNA test, which can be purchased from a DNA testing company such as FamilyTreeDNA. The cost of the Y-DNA test varies depending on the level of testing you choose, and this cost is not paid to the project, but rather directly to the testing company. Please note that the project has no control over the cost of the Y-DNA test and cannot offer any discounts on testing.

  3. What is the process for joining the project?
    To join the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project, simply click the "join" button on the project's website. You'll have the option to purchase a Y-DNA test from a DNA testing company or link an existing Y-DNA test to the project. If you choose to purchase a Y-DNA test, you'll be directed to a DNA testing company's website to order the test kit. Once you receive your test results it should automatically link them to the project to contribute to the collective genetic information.

  4. How is my privacy protected when I participate in the project?
    To protect your privacy, the information shared with the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project is limited to your test ID and associated surname. No personal information, such as your name, address, or contact information, will be shared with the group. Additionally, the project adheres to strict privacy guidelines and will never share your genetic information with third parties without your express consent.

  5. What level of Y-DNA testing should I order?
    The resolution of the Y-DNA test is crucial for accurately grouping genetic results within a reasonable time frame. To ensure the best results, we generally recommend a Y-DNA67 or Y-DNA111 test. A match at the Y-DNA67 level could still indicate a shared paternal ancestor over 8 generations back, while a match at the Y-DNA111 level with 111/111 markers (a genetic distance of 0) is almost certain to indicate a shared direct-line male ancestor within less than 6 generations.

    Lower resolution tests may indicate a match that is separated by hundreds or even thousands of years, and may not provide enough information to accurately group genetic results. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider which level of Y-DNA testing to choose to ensure the best possible resolution for identifying genetic matches and connecting with genetic relatives.

  6. Can I upgrade my Y-DNA test later to get more detailed results, and how does this process work?
    Yes, it is possible to upgrade your Y-DNA test at a later time to obtain more detailed results. This process can be completed through the testing provider and does not require the collection of any additional DNA material, as they will be able to utilize the existing test and process it at a higher resolution. Once the upgraded test results are received, the project should automatically receive the results.

    However, please note that project administrators will need to update the familial match groups based on the new results. Therefore, it is important to notify the project administrators of any upgrades or changes to your Y-DNA test results to ensure that your results are properly grouped with other members of the project.

    We encourage all members to consider upgrading their Y-DNA test as they continue their genealogical research and seek to uncover more detailed information about their genetic history. Upgraded test results can provide valuable new insights and connections to other genetic relatives within the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project.

  7. What is the purpose of the donation link on the project?
    The donation link serves as a means to contribute to the general fund of the family DNA project. These funds are essential for supporting various aspects of the project, particularly the cost of genetic testing. Donations play a crucial role in assisting project administrators in covering the expenses associated with testing for individuals who are considered vital for advancing the project's objectives. For instance, if a specific individual's test results are needed to make a significant connection within the family tree, donations can be utilized to cover the expenses of their test, alleviating any out-of-pocket costs for the testee. By donating, you become an instrumental part of ensuring that the project can effectively achieve its overarching goals. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and contribute to the success and progress of the project.

  8. How can I ensure that I have granted the correct permissions to the project?
    To ensure that you have granted the correct permissions to the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project, please follow these steps:

    1. Login to your Family Tree DNA kit for your specific test.
    2. Select the 'Group Projects' menu and then select 'Manage Group Projects'.
    3. Here, you should be presented with a list of groups that you have joined. Find the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project and click the edit button (looks like a pencil).
    4. Here, you can edit the permissions for group administrators.
  9. For the best results and to enable the project administrators to analyze your results effectively, we recommend granting "Limited" access to each of the administrators. Granting "Minimal" access may limit the ability of the group administrators to analyze your results effectively. And, "Advanced" access is typically not necessary for the purposes of this surname project.

    By ensuring that you have granted the correct permissions, you can maximize the potential benefits of the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project and more effectively connect with genetic relatives within the project.

  10. How do I compare my Y-DNA test results with others in the project and identify potential genetic matches?
    To compare your Y-DNA test results with others in the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project and identify potential genetic matches, you can view the results and groupings on the DNA Results Charts within the project site.

    The results charts organize members into family groups based on the genetic distance of the various members. By comparing your results with others in the project, you can identify potential genetic matches and explore your shared ancestry.

  11. How can I contact other project members to compare results and collaborate on research?
    Members of the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project can communicate and ask questions through the project activity feed. While participation is optional, we highly recommend it as a way to extend your genealogical research beyond just the test results and matching. The activity feed allows members to share insights, ask questions, and collaborate on research with other individuals who share their surname and genetic history.

    By actively participating in the project, you may be able to uncover new information about your ancestry, connect with genetic relatives, and expand your understanding of your family history. We encourage all members to participate in the project activity feed and take advantage of this valuable resource.

    Please note that the project activity feed is open to all members, and while many members share a common ancestry, there may be non-related families included in the project as well. We kindly ask that all members keep their conversations and inquiries relevant to the project and take any personal or unrelated discussions offline, outside of the group. This will help ensure that the activity feed remains a useful resource for all members and that discussions are focused on the shared genealogical interests of the group.

  12. Can I participate in the project if I don't have a traditional surname or my surname has changed?
    There are many reasons why a surname may have drifted over time yet still have a Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries origin. If you suspect that you have a paternal link to a surname covered by this project, we invite you to join and participate.

    By joining the project, you may be able to confirm your link to a particular surname and connect with other individuals who share your genetic history. Additionally, participating in the project may help you expand your understanding of your family history, uncover new information about your ancestry, and make new connections with relatives you may not have known before.

    We welcome all individuals who suspect a paternal link to a Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries surname to join the project and take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about their family history.

  13. Can I participate in the project if I am female or do not have a Y chromosome?
    Since Y-DNA is passed down exclusively from fathers to sons, females do not have a direct paternal line and cannot directly contribute to Y-DNA surname projects. However, females can still participate in the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project in a few ways:

    • Encouraging male relatives to participate: Females with Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries ancestry can encourage male relatives with the same surname to participate in the project and provide their Y-DNA results.
    • Autosomal DNA testing: Females can also participate in autosomal DNA testing, which analyzes DNA inherited from both maternal and paternal lines. Autosomal DNA testing can still provide valuable information about ancestry and can be used to identify potential genetic relatives within the project.
    • Collaboration: Females can collaborate with other members of the project and share information about their family histories and genealogical research. They can also participate in the project activity feed and ask questions or provide insights related to the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries surname and genetic history.

    While females cannot directly contribute to Y-DNA results, their participation and collaboration can still be valuable in helping to uncover new information and connect with genetic relatives within the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project.

  14. Can multiple individuals from the same family participate in the project, and how will their results be grouped and compared?
    Yes, multiple individuals from the same family can participate in the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project. These individuals will be grouped and compared in the same manner as all other members of the project.

    By having multiple individuals from the same family participate, it may be possible to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the family's genetic history and identify potential variations or differences within the family tree. The results from these individuals will be compared with each other and with the results of all other members of the project to identify potential genetic matches and connections.

  15. How can I leave and remove my results from the project?
    We're sorry to see you leave the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project. To remove your results from the project, please follow these steps:

    1. Login to your Family Tree DNA kit for your specific test.
    2. Select the 'Group Projects' menu and then select 'Manage Group Projects'.
    3. Here, you should be presented with a list of groups that you have joined. Find the Frey-Fry-Frye-Vry-Fries DNA Project and click the delete button (looks like a trash can).
    4. This should present you with a dialog to confirm the deletion.
    5. Once confirmed, your results will automatically be removed from the project.
  16. If you have any concerns or issues related to your participation in the project, we encourage you to reach out to the project administrators first to discuss your concerns. We appreciate your contributions to the project and wish you the best in your genetic genealogy research.