Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


  • 503 members

About us

This project was begun in 2002 with one participant witha goal of connecting the Estes and similar surname families worldwide. We have grown significantly since that time and in April 2010, have reached 100 participants.

We have representatives of Mathew and Richard Estes from the Northern Estes line out of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. These men were the sons of Robert Estes and Dorothy Wilson, and a cousin to the Southern Estes line immigrant Abraham. We have each of Abraham's lines documented genetically except for Samuel who remains elusive. We have also been fortunate enough to have one Estes male from England test as well. We welcome all Estes males of any surname spelling.

Several Estes lines have been identified and we are actively seeking European Estes to test.

Initially the project was focused on Y-line DNA only, but more recently with the advent of the Family Finder test, we welcome all Estes descendants and will group them according to ancestral line.

Very few, if any, e-mails will be sent through the project.  To keep current with genetic genealogy information, please subscribe to the blog, by clicking on the small grey "follow" button on the right side of the page.  Not everyone appreciates e-mails from project administrators, and taking a blog approach allows people who are interestd to subscribe without bothering those who aren't.  So, please, subscribe to keep current.

Additional Estes genealogical information can be found at: and