
  • 114 members

About us

Hello to all.
The EAVES name is associated mostly with the British Isles.
Distinctive EAVES lines have been documented in the United States since Colonial times … and are now found in every state.
Descendants of British EAVES can also be found in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and traces in India, Japan and South Africa.
The EAVES still maintain a strong presence in England, Australia and New Zealand.
With all these EAVES, DNA testing for genealogical purposes offers benefits to all who are interested in EAVES family history. Participation by our current testers has already provided exciting news about EAVES origins.

Male participants with the last name of EAVES represent their family tree in this DNA Project. Testers are also participating in the latest technological advancement to further genealogical research. By participating in this project, ‘brick walls’ in research can be overcome, areas of research identified and one can find distant relatives to share family traditions.

My name is Lois Eaves and I’ve taken on the duty of the EAVES DNA group administrator. I’ve been involved with EAVES research for many years – and with those of you who have searched the scant and varied records of Colonial America, know all the frustration it presents. EAVES ancestors and descendants are a great group – encompassing many walks of life and adventure. Only males carrying the name of EAVES can test. Females wishing to test need to ask a brother, uncle, father, son, or appropriate male cousin whose name is EAVES to take the test.

For those who want to join this project, the easiest way to order is by telephone – (713) 868-1438 - Family Tree DNA headquarters in Houston, TX.
BE SURE to tell the person taking the order that you are in the EAVES Project. There is a sizable discount! I would encourage testers to order the 37 or 67 marker test. (The more markers, the closer one can determine how many generations there are between tester and shared ancestors.)

To order on line, go to the top left of this page and click on REQUEST TO JOIN THIS GROUP.