
Dunbar Y-DNA Surname Project
  • 397 members

About us

Please visit our Main Clan Dunbar DNA Website:  https//www.DunbarDNA.org

Dunbar YDNA RESULTS page: https://www.dunbardna.org/y-dna-results

This project is a worldwide endeavor open to anyone interested in discovering their Dunbar surname ancestry.

The name Dunbar can be traced back to Gospatric I, 1040-1115, in Scotland with the Royal roots of Dunbar going back even further.  Over the centuries, Gospatric's descendants have multiplied and ventured from Scotland to distant lands all over the world.  The Dunbar Surname DNA Project was created in an attempt to discover how the various Dunbar lines around the world are related with the help of DNA.

Please visit our main Dunbar DNA Project website to learn more: 

Dunbar Clan main website:  www.ClanDunbar.com

Endorsed & Sponsored by Clan Dunbar USA

All Variations: DUNBAR, Dumbar, Dumbare, Dumbarr, Dumbarre, Dumbaugh, Dunba, Dunbare, Dunbarington, Dunbarr, Dunbarre, Dunebar, Dunvar, Dynbaer, Tumbar, Tunbar