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De La Rosa

Rosa - La Rosa - Larrosa - De Rosa - Delarosa
  • 34 members

About us

De la Rosa ( incl. Rosa - La Rosa - De Rosa - Larrosa - Delarosa ) DNA Project es para todos aquellos que deseen trabajar juntos con el objetivo de encontrar su ascendencia común, tanto compartiendo información como haciendo uso de los Tests ADN English: The De la Rosa DNA Project is for all who wish to work together to find their common heritage through DNA testing and sharing of information. SURNAME HISTORY This is still uncertain when and where it first arosed. Earliest incidences of this surname are known in two geographical locations, one in northeast Iberian Peninsula ( Zaragoza and Pamplona ) and the other in west Iberian Peninsula ( Valladolid and Toledo ). At Medieval times the surname seems to be expanded from this central-west geographical point to southwest and southeast following the military conquests. PROJECT ADMINISTRATORS * Ana Oquendo Pabón Founder and main administrator. * Esteban Rosa Admin of the Iberian section. Responsible for those eastern De la Rosa members from Almeria, Murcia, Albacete, Ciudad Real Toledo, Granada and Jaen Provinces. HOW TO PARTICIPATE If you are not already a project member and you have a direct paternal ancestor with the surname De la Rosa (or one of those variants), then please JOIN the project by clicking on the JOIN "Unirse" button in the banner photograph above to the right. Anyway you can join If you have any autosomal ancestor with that suraname and have atDNA results in FTDNA or have used the Autosomal Transfer.