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Dalton International DNA Project

  • 349 members

About us

The Dalton International DNA Project (DIDP) was established in 2003, and is sponsored by the Dalton Genealogical Society with branches in England, North America, Australia & New Zealand. This was initially a Y-DNA project surname, but has been expanded to include MtDNA and autosomal DNA to explore the ancestral roots of all branches of the Dalton / D'Alton / Daulton / Dolton surname and other spelling various. Our findings in this study have made it apparent that there was more than one founding father in each country. Many matches have occurred and we have established 15 separate genetic families which is very exciting. Won't you join us in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to scale your brick wall, learn where to search next, find individuals who share DNA results and ultimately learn where your roots are? This is an ongoing project and we welcome all men with the Dalton surname and its spelling variations. The YDNA results to date have been professionally analyzed and details are on our website and have also been reported in the DGS Journal. You can view progress on your lab results and your matches on this Family Tree DNA site. We have recently added analysis of MtDNA and autosomal DNA to give women and men who's Dalton connection is through marriage or through the maternal line the opportunity to explore their Dalton ancestry, too. Please see our Facebook group, "Dalton (D*lton) Surname DNA an Genealogy" and click "Join". The Dalton Genealogical Society is a Registered Charity in the UK and The Dalton Genealogical Society North America is a registered 501(c) 3 non-profit, Federal Tax ID #26-3726489. Karen Dalton Preston ( Project Administrator, Dalton International DNA Project.